Jumat, 06 Juni 2014


Nama : Bunga Putri Juwita
NPM : 11213819
Kelas : 1EA07


Commonly called the National Monument is located in Central Jakarta Monas. Monas is an icon of the city. Being a tourist and educational center that appeals to people in Jakarta and surrounding areas. The National Memorial, better known National Monument (Monas) is one of the monument erected to commemorate the resistance and struggle of the people in the revolution for independence against the Dutch colonialists. The monument was built to inspire and evoke the spirit of patriotism present and future generations. Monas is a monument at the same historical monuments Indonesian nationalism. Towering Monas symbolizes the phallus (pestle or rice pestle) the full dimensions of a typical Indonesian culture.

Court of the cup symbolizes yoni (granary). That is, pestle and barns is a household appliance that is found in almost every home of Indonesia's population. This monument was built in August 1959 in the area of ​​80 ha, and diarsiteki olehSoedarsono and Frederich Silaban, with consultants Ir. Rooseno. The monument was inaugurated on August 17, 1961 by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (Sukarno) and officially opened to the public on July 12, 1975. At the bottom of the monument there is a large room that is the National Museum. Height is 8 feet. The museum displays the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. 

 This comprehensive museum is 80x80 m. On the fourth side there are 12 museum dioramas (show window) that displays the history of Indonesia from the time principalities Indonesian nation ancestors until G30S PKI. In addition it is planned to display the flag heritage and the original copy of the proclamation in building the monument. Here are also shown the city development plan. Monuments and museums are open every day, starting at 9:00 to 17:00 pm. On holidays, Sundays or school holidays many people who visit here. Visitors can climb up to the top by using the elevator. From the top of the National Monument can be seen views of the city.

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