Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Names Group :
1.      Benny Rubiyansyah                 (11213706)
2.      Bunga Putri Juwita                  (11213819)
3.      Dendi Suhendi                         (12213163)
4.      Haryani Ulandari                    (13213962)
Quantifier is a determiner or pronoun that is used to show how much the amount of something (quantity). In forming noun phrases, quantifier can be combined either with countable or uncountable noun.
1.      Much
much used for objects that can not be calculated (uncountable).
2.      Many
Many are used for nouns that can be counted (countable), and is often used in negative statements and asking sentences. However, many are also used in positive statements.
Much and many can be used in affirmative statements, but provide more formal meaning. Much and many often appear in short questions.
a.      This car eats up much gasoline
(mobil ini memakan banyak bensin)
b.      He always spends much money on clothes
(Dia selalu menghabiskan banyak uang untuk pakaian)
c.       Much coffee is bad for the nerves
(banyak minum kopi tidak baik bagi syaraf)
d.      There is much cheese in the refrigerator
(ada banyak keju di lemari es itu)
e.      Is there much salt in the bowl?
(adakah banyak garam di mangkuk itu?)
f.        Many people were injured seriously in the accident
(banyak orang luka berat dalam kecelakaan itu)
g.      Many children like a cat
(banyak anak menyukai kucing)

h.      They have many friend
(mereka mempunyai banayk teman)
i.        How many handphone do you want?
(berapa telepon genggam yang kamu inginkan)
j.        I haven’t many shoes
(saya tidak mempunyai banyak sepatu)

1.      Many communities are dependent on groundwater ____________ from wells for their water supply.
A.      That obtained
B.      Obtained
C.      Is obtained
D.     Obtain it
2.      We haven't ________ much salt.
A.      Got
B.      Get
C.      But
D.      So
3.      I haven't seen Shinta for__________ years.
A.      Much
B.      Until
C.      Many;
D.      For
4.      Are there__________ books on your shelf?
A.      Many;
B.      Much
C.      Some
D.      Any
5.      There's____________ oil in the bottle, but it isn't__ .
A.      Some / much
B.      Any / some
C.      Some / any
D.      Much / some

6.      How______________ players are in a handball team?
7.      How _____________ coffee do your parents drink per day?
8.      ___________ people.
9.      ___________ money.
10.  There is not________ homework to do.

1.      (B) Obtained                           6.         Many
2.      (A) Got                                     7.         Much
3.      (C) Many                                 8.         Many
4.      (A) Many                                 9.         Much
5.      (A) some/much                       10.       Much

Sumber :
Judul buku. “Complete Basic English Grammar For Beginner” (Renna Melinda, R. Yuke Hilma, Raistiwar Pratama)
Penerbit. Pustaka Widyatama

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